About Me

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I created this blog so that I can share my opinions, my favorite topics, my life and my journey through life when I was a child, teenager, a single woman, in love, as a mama, and now a widow. But despite everything, Life MUST go on, and let's stay surviving it, with God's grace. :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


At my age, I have seen quite a few loved ones who died, or, I'd like to call it, "passed away to another life" and graduated from their earthly life to being your angel!

The most intense pain that I felt was when my husband passed away. It was a feeling beyond words. Losing a father was a different thing. When you lose a father, it seems that your best teacher in life was gone. But when I lost my husband, it was like, - literally and figuratively - half or more than half of my body also died.

Being a christian, and being surrounded by christians was a very big help. Reading about death and sprituality gave me a clearer understanding about it.

  • Death is not the end. Yes, life ends. But your love still exists. You can continue loving that person, even after death.

  • Memories. Don't think of how a person died. Think and remember the good and happy memories together, and the lessons he taught you. He will continue living in your heart. Memories are blessings and no one and nothing can get that away from you.

If you've lost someone, whether recently or years and years ago, I hope this post can help you move on.

You can share your loneliness and depression with me. I can be your "E-friend". :)


  1. With a heartwarming comment you left on my blog, I just had to go to your page and blog. And I guess it was meant to be. Your latest post on death brought comfort to me as I have just lost my father recently. I'm so sorry for your loss as well. I cannot even imagine the pain of losing your better half. Oh how honored I would be to have you as an E-friend, it helps a lot in the grieving process most specially since we share the same sentiments. Thank you so much!

  2. You are welcome Lei. Continue blogging. Your father has been "promoted" now as your father / angel. :)
